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Rondel Village has been awarded the “Travelife Gold Award” which is an excellent achievement for a hotel of this size. Travelife is an international certification scheme which has been developed for the travel industry. Travelife has been designed as an affordable and fair system that helps hotels and accommodations to improve the way they manage their social and environmental issues, by complying with the requirements of its robust sustainability criteria. If a property meets the criteria requirements, they will receive a Travelife award, allowing them to proudly display their award plaque and showcase their sustainability achievements to their customers.
In addition to reducing energy and taking environmental issues into consideration, the award allows us to access business from all Tour operators and travel agents that are a part of the program as well as the everincreasing market of holiday makers in general that want to come to hotels that demonstrate care for local people, the environment and the destination where they operate. As part of meeting the criteria for the program we have formalised the following policies:
This policy documents how we treat our employees (for example, from the health and safety of employees through to upholding equal opportunities and other fundamental human rights). The significant features of this policy are- Employment contracts, freedom of movement in/out of the job, fair wages, normal working hours, training, recruitment and policy review. A member of management has been assigned to carry out quarterly reviews to track the progress against objectives and targets outlined in the policy as well as an employee representative designated to manage staff welfare (Raise grievances and seek redress) and a means through which staff may make representation to senior management about key employment issues.
The way in which we aim to integrate into the community by remaining committed to maintaining a close relationship with our local community, ensuring that their concerns about our business operation are addressed collaboratively, and ensuring that the impact of our operations has a positive effect on the community.
Rondel Village is actively committed to protecting children from tourism- related sexual exploitation. We have the following procedures in place to ensure that commercial sexual exploitation of children does not take place here. We have committed to train our employees in children’s rights, the prevention of sexual exploitation and how to report suspected cases. We have nominated a supervisor to coordinate our efforts in implementing the policy to ensure a smooth transition with guests, staff and the community in general; be in touch with reporting agencies and keep abreast of new developments
The business is actively engaged in achieving a reduction in the volume of solid waste produced. Water, Electricity & LPG daily recording and monitoring this data.
We train our staff to understand their responsibilities for the delivery of our sustainability strategy. Staff training aims to integrate these policies into the business, posters, signage, etc.
Below you can download the Sustainability Report done on Rondel Village Resort & Spa